Elizabeth George is no doubt an LMHS student-athlete worthy of recognition. Elizabeth is a well-rounded individual who has succeeded academically, athletically, and personally during her time at LMHS. She devotes many hours to representing Lower Moreland as a Varsity Cross Country athlete and an academically inclined student. Still, she continues to make time for her friends and family. However, as impressive as it may all sound, the most remarkable trait about Elizabeth George is her resilience, given the setbacks in her life.
During her Sophomore year, Elizabeth dealt with severe shin splints, causing her to lose her season. But she did not let her injury prevent her from persevering. She states, “I couldn’t help but feel like missing out. I was discouraged because I had just started to find my rhythm and couldn’t do what I wanted to do. I lost confidence in myself, seeing all my teammates getting faster, while all I could do was watch.”
Elizabeth George as she runs for the LM Cross Country Team
Her disappointment was rooted in the stressful idea that the progress she devoted countless hours to was going down the drain. Despite this obstacle, she demonstrated her perseverance by bringing an uplifting and positive attitude to her team. She continued to attend every practice despite knowing she would be stuck on the exercise bike. After her shins had recovered, she devoted herself to becoming the best athlete. She states, “Since my body wasn’t stopping me, I shouldn’t let my mind stop me either.” Rather than looking at her injury as a reason to give up, she transformed her setback into motivation to improve herself.
Through slowly building up her mileage, sacrificing her free time in the summer, and redeeming herself for the season she lost, she gradually made her way up to claim her spot on the 2023 Girls Varsity Cross Country team. However, Elizabeth admits it is always challenging to stay entirely motivated. On days when she is unmotivated, she remembers that she has to run for her teammates. Through her hard work and assertive attitude, Elizabeth surpassed her PR goal of 22:20 by over a minute by mid-season. As she PRs and continues to PR for the rest of this season, Elizabeth is flourishing and becoming the most confident, challenging, and strong runner she can be.
Elizabeth also excels in balancing her academics, hobbies, and passions outside running. Elizabeth takes three AP Courses: AP Psych, AP Gov, and AP Bio. She uses her time wisely by spending every second before practice to complete her assignments, study, etc. As overwhelming as it can be, she keeps in mind that the upcoming test or race is just one test or race that does not define who she is as a person, student, or athlete.
Elizabeth George demonstrates what it means to be an extraordinarily active and academically determined Lower Moreland student who stays present in all aspects of her life. She brings a positive light to those around her through her dedicated work ethic, bright personality, and encouraging spirit.