Out of the Darkness Walk

Anna Akhobadze, Writer

On Saturday, April 22, Interact Club will be hosting its annual suicide prevention walk from 9:00 to 10:30 AM. The money raised will benefit AFSP, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Last year, Interact Club raised roughly $20,000 and had over 200 walkers. The year before, the walk was indoors due to inclement weather.

If the weather permits, the event on the 22nd will be a 3-mile walk on and off the LMHS campus where there will be activities such as personalized handprint creation, a poetry competition, and a balloon release. The handprints created during the walk will be cut out, laminated, and strung together, and they will be hung up in the new high school next year. Different speakers from AFSP will be speaking throughout the day about a topic that grows more relevant with each passing day, especially to students and educators.

If you would like to participate in the poetry competition, please email your entries to [email protected]. The winner will have the honor of a $100 donation made in their name to AFSP. As an incentive, each participant can sign up online as part of a club, and the club with the most walkers will win a pizza party. Students and staff can sign up for the walk using this link: https://supporting.afsp.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=8893. We hope to see you on the 22nd!