Fall Drama Puts New Twist on Ancient Tales

Cast members take a bow after a successful performance

Rebecca Ling, Writer

As November rolled around, the LMHS Drama Club prepared for its upcoming production of The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza, a modern play in which two opposing narrators attempt to explain the entirety of the world of Greek Myths. Famous stories including Pandora’s Box, The Iliad, Icarus, and more are included in the rendition.

The play relied heavily on audience participation and funny sound effects to create its lively scenes. Actors could be found running on and off the stage, constantly changing characters and costumes to fit the various stories. It was interesting to see the contrasting dynamic between the narrators and their relationship with the characters in the stories they told. 

I found the play to be a creative mix of a classical subject with a witty, modern sense of humor. I especially enjoyed when the narrators asked for audience input, as it allowed viewers to stay engaged. Even with minimal props, the stage was converted to portray various settings, and the actors set distinctly different tones that allowed the audience to understand the different environments. The actors truly embodied the characters through their dramatic portrayals, and it was clear that they all enjoyed performing with each other. Despite finding it slightly hard to keep up with the fast-paced storytelling due to my lack of knowledge of some of the myths, it was a great experience nonetheless.

I interviewed two sophomore performers, Jaydan Choi and Kasey Lim, to better understand the mindsets and experiences of those on stage. 

How was your overall experience as a first-time actor in the school drama? What challenges did you face? 

Jaydan: It was very scary, but I had a lot of friends and cast members who were there to support me. I had a lot of trouble getting my lines and queues down in the beginning. 

What are your strengths as an actress? 

Kasey: One of my strengths is being able to stay in character for a really long time, and I’m able to make good “choices” (theater term: able to spin a role in any direction by using creative approaches).

What’s your favorite thing about performing? 

Kasey: I like that when I’m on stage I can do stuff and people can’t judge me since it’s a performance, and I’m able to do funny things. 

What’s a drama or musical you hope Lower Moreland does soon? 

Kasey: Mean Girls! A version of Mean Girls just got accepted into high school theaters, and I really want to do it next year. 

How do you feel about this year’s upcoming spring musical? 

Jaydan: I’m really hyped up for it! Although, I’m a little scared to see what role I get. 

Kasey: I think it makes sense since our school usually does a modern production and a classical one, and I’m really excited to spend time with my theater family again. 

The actors and actresses, teachers, and tech crew involved in the drama club put plenty of effort into these heartfelt performances. Clearly, watching the drama club perform is worth it, and everyone should consider attending this year’s spring musical: The Wizard of Oz. I for one can’t wait to come out to support my classmates and friends’ hard work, and to watch another interesting and uplifting production.