LMTSD Switches to Canvas

Amanda Raitman

Since 2018, students and teachers at Lower Moreland School District have been incorporating Google Classroom into their daily routines. Google Classroom is an app created by Google through which teachers can post and organize curriculum resources for students. Although Google Classroom was effective in the past, this school year the District decided to start using a new learning management system called Canvas. 


The Superintendent of the Lower Moreland Township School District, Dr. Scott Davidheiser, has stated that “…many parents expressed a desire for access in order to better allow them to understand student expectations, assignments and progress. Because Google Classroom was not a learning management system, parents and guardians received limited information and no additional access was possible.” This was one of the primary motivating factors behind the district’s decision to switch to Canvas. 


Canvas will be vital to learning from now on at Lower Moreland schools. it will be the new way for teachers to post assignments, announcements, and grades. Although it may be difficult to adapt to Canvas at first, students and teachers are learning quickly how to use it. Currently, not all teachers have switched over to Canvas, but as teachers learn the ins and outs of the LMS, they will start to fully make the change. All teachers are required to have a homepage and a calendar to post assignments on Canvas. The Canvas app offers many resources to help students and parents stay organized and on top of tasks.