What’s up with lunches and Wednesdays?
Seniors eat lunch in the cafeteria during C lunch on the first day back to school. The 9th, 10th, and 11th graders were assigned to the auditorium for lunch C.
March 24, 2021
Several students, on their first day back to school, were confused by the new lunch seating system. The school assigned each student a seat, instead of letting them choose freely where to sit. An administrator explained to concerned students who wanted to sit with their friends that the school create assigned seats to ensure they could conduct contact tracing if necessary.
Students will, however, be able to change their seats the week after spring break and sit with their friends. After students choose their seats, they will not be able to change them for the remainder of the year (once again, to allow for contact tracing).
Wednesdays were another point of confusion for students. The vast majority went home after the half day on March 24. The few who remained in the building could ate lunch and then could do their asynchronous work in the auditorium, cafeteria, or library.