Make-A-Wish is an incredible non-profit organization that grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses, thanks to the support of generous donors and volunteers. Their primary goal is to improve the mental and physical situations of children by granting life-changing wishes. A few months ago, Lower Moreland’s Interact Club, created to sponsor and fundraise for such organizations, was contacted by Make-A-Wish through Mr. Miles and Mr. Dominick. This opportunity was embraced by the wonderful Interact Club leadership consisting of Jessica Becker, Amanda Usonis, Anna Akhobadze, Sarah Goldy, Anabela Relvas, and Sofia Incollingo, under the guidance of Dr. Mollett.
The team quickly sprang into action to fundraise for Dawson, a 5-year-old boy who has been battling leukemia since he was just 1 year old. Dawson loves basketball, golf, board games, Starbucks, and much more. His mother shared, “He is 5 years old and has been through so much! He has fought leukemia since he was 13 months old. Dawson has been so strong and has fought so hard. We started his wish when he finished initial treatment, but it was paused due to a relapse. During his hardest moments, we would remind him that we were going to Mickey Mouse’s house!”
The Interact Club began fundraising for Dawson as soon as possible, implementing a variety of initiatives. One initiative was Pajama Day at Pine Road, and another was a competition at Murray Avenue where the homeroom that raised the most money would get to see Mr. Stroup and Mrs. Barnhart get pied. Mr. Freeman’s homeroom raised an impressive $704 and won this challenge. Additionally, there was a fun lunch initiative at both Murray Avenue and LMHS where participants guessed the number of jellybeans in a jar for a dollar donation. The contestant who guessed correctly would win the entire jar of jellybeans.
These creative initiatives, led by captains Jessica Becker and Anna Akhobadze, along with the generous contributions from the Township and other participants, helped raise $6.7K for Dawson to finally achieve his wish of going to Disneyland with his family. Further contributions are always appreciated for both Dawson and other children suffering from terminal illnesses who have partnered with the foundation in hopes of their wishes being granted.
Furthermore, while the Make-a-Wish initiative has already occurred, the Interact Club hosts an incredible variety of events, especially their upcoming annual American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Walk on May 3rd. This is a wonderful foundation, and whether you have been personally affected by the cause or not, this walk is a way to hear the stories of others and show support to survivors, their families, and those who are no longer with us. Please consider joining the Interact Club, participating in this event, or just showing support by attending events hosted by the club.