Lower Moreland High School’s fall play, She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen, was a bold and imaginative production that brought fantasy, humor, and heartfelt storytelling to life. The play follows Agnes, portrayed by Katelyn Haggerty, as she uncovers the hidden world of her late sister Tilly, played by Kasey Lim, through a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. The result is a thrilling journey filled with epic battles, quirky humor, and moving moments of self-discovery.
Directed by Leah Abramson, the production stood out for its imaginative staging and attention to detail. Jennie Kelly’s work on choreography, costumes, and props brought the fantasy world to life, while Glenn DeGeorge’s light and sound design enhanced the drama and action. From the intricate costumes to the striking magical elements, every aspect of the show was spectacular.
Rehearsals were as lively and engaging as the performance itself. Cypher Santiago, who played Orcus and Ronnie, shared his enthusiasm for the process: “Rehearsals were frequent and fun, and it was an overall great experience to share.” In addition to his onstage role, Cypher contributed behind the scenes by creating the impressive Tiamat heads featured in the play.
Charlotte Nash, who played the narrator, highlighted the play’s uniqueness. “A D&D queer play isn’t exactly what anybody expected, but it was so much fun to be part of,” she shared. She embraced the creative freedom to shape her character and costume, finding it an exciting challenge that set this role apart from others.
Despite some challenges, like limited set-building due to the new school’s distance from the auditorium, the team pulled together to deliver an outstanding production. Harvey Perelman’s set design featured creative platforms that enhanced the fantasy aesthetic, while the cast’s energy and chemistry shone throughout. I am so grateful to have been able to see this play. With its mix of action, humor, and heartfelt moments, She Kills Monsters showcased the incredible talent and dedication of LMHS’s drama department. The play proved to be a memorable journey, captivating audiences and making watching She Kills Monsters a quest worth taking.