“Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. I’m so sick of people saying that love is all a woman is fit for” (Louisa May Alcott, Little Women). Jo from Little Women is a powerful independent woman, and Lower Moreland’s rendition of the play in the fall portrayed that well.
I interviewed Lindsey Salamone, a costume designer for the drama club, and she spoke about how the costumes in the play helped to convey character traits. She said, “When costuming Jo March in Little Women, we chose a pair of men’s trousers and a waistcoat to contrast her from her sisters and communicate her desire to perform more masculine gender roles.” A great example of a powerful and independent woman is Ellie Lynch, who produced all of the background music heard in the show. Most of the cast would consider this their favorite production that they’ve done so far, and as a proud audience member of Little Women, I can say that definitely showed. The costumes, set design, music, casting, and acting all came together nicely. It was an amazing rendition of the play, and I can’t wait to watch Mean Girls!
“Mean is easier than nice. And though mean can take you far, maybe this will make you think twice” (Excerpt from the song “A Cautionary Tale” from Mean Girls on Broadway). Lower Moreland High School will be performing this play on April 11th, 12th, and 13th at 7 pm in the auditorium. Talking to Leah Abramson, the drama club director, she said, “We chose this show for LM because it is a fan favorite of most of the drama club members (they have been begging the production staff to do it for several years now). Also, more importantly, Mean Girls provides an opportunity for meaningful dialogue about healthy vs. unhealthy friendships, social media, bullying and other important topics that adolescents face on a daily basis.”
Everyone seems so excited for this production, and in the words of Ellie, “There is such a fetch energy in the air.” I have no doubt that our school’s rendition will be just as good if not better than Little Women!