Within the hectic and bustling inner workings of the LM High School Building, two faculty members play important roles in keeping the system afloat. Mr. Chapman can often be found in the greeter’s booth, welcoming students and visitors entering the school every day. Ms. Schill, working in the main office, helps with numerous administrative tasks and scheduling to organize and help the school day run smoothly. The two roles often intertwine during the course of the day; however, working together at LMHS was not the first time that the pair met.
Years ago, when Mr. Chapman worked as a police officer, he met Ms. Schill in a chance encounter. When describing the event and providing pictures from it, Mr. Chapman recounted,
“Here is a picture of Andrea Schill and I. We are holding a speeding ticket that she got in June 1983. In addition to her name being on the ticket, mine is also. She got caught in a speed trap on Walton Road by me. I clocked her car doing 37 in a 25 mph zone. I called ahead on the radio, and another officer stepped out, pulled her over, and issued her a speeding ticket. She confronted me with this last spring.
Shortly after I got hired here, she said my name sounded familiar. Well, she searched her little knick-knack box of treasures and found this speeding ticket from 40 years ago. She read it for old time’s sake, and in the narrative of the violation, it states, ‘Based on information received from Officer Chapman.’
So Andrea and I have a history that goes back 40 years. Although I didn’t know it until she confronted me with the ticket. We are lucky here in the LMTSD that she didn’t end up like another woman with a heavy foot: Bonnie Parker.”
The rare occurrence of the pair first meeting 40 years ago and then running into each other again through their respective jobs displays how small strings can connect people back together. In today’s society, there is a sense of interconnectedness, and you never know how a small event can impact one’s life! Mr. Chapman and Ms. Schill truly have a unique and fascinating history!