Board Votes Yes to Student Representative Position
May 1, 2022
At the School Board meeting held on Tuesday, February 1, students Nidhi Ram, Juliet Yavas, and Mitch Marti presented a novel proposal that would allow students to hold positions on the School Board. Upon implementing this program, our school would join the 60% of Pennsylvania schools which already have student involvement at Board meetings. The plan aims to improve student representation in Board decisions, as well as increased communication between the Student Body and administration.
As outlined in the proposal, two students will have the opportunity to sit at the Board table on a rotating monthly schedule. Students who wish to serve as a Student Representative must adhere to academic and behavioral eligibility guidelines identical to those required for participation in sports and other extracurriculars. They must also fill out the Student Representative Application by May 2. Ultimately, the Student Body will vote on the two applicants they feel best represent them. Once appointed, Student Representatives will present a monthly update at each Work Session meeting. Through the programs and initiatives they design, the Representatives will be able to locate and address issues present in the school district. The plan was approved at a Board Public Session on February 15, two weeks following the initial proposal. The first student to have on-record attendance at the Board meeting will be Juliet Yavas on April 5, with Nidhi Ram and Mitch Marti holding attendance in May and June, respectively.
The manual outlining the role of Student Representatives can be found here.